Monday, August 8, 2016

New Teacher Renewal Courses This Fall at RCC

Randolph Community College has added two new courses to its selection of teacher renewal courses this fall. “Leaping Lessons,” a class designed to provide teachers with strategies to make their lessons leap off the page and bring life, engagement, and comprehension to students’ learning, is scheduled for 9 a.m.-12 noon on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Asheboro Campus. The cost is $70.

The second course, “Reading Restoration,” will provide teachers practical strategies for struggling and reluctant readers. Each week, teachers will read articles from scholars in literacy education and discuss their theory as it relates to best practices and students’ needs. This hybrid/online course will meet on-campus only twice, from 10-11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8, and Saturday, Dec. 10, on the Asheboro Campus. The remainder of the course will be online. It also costs $70.

To learn more about these and other teacher renewal courses at RCC, go to

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